outGRIT Consulting Group: Why We're Different


There are lots of Business Consultants out there.


Business Consultants use a lot of buzzwords. We could use those buzzwords here. Strategic plan. Project Parameters. Key Factors. Frameworks. Risk Matrix.

But we won't, because often, they won't help you actually become successful in your business.


Business Consultants can be certified. There's a course you can take to become a "Certified Management Consultant". But do you want to hire someone to assist you with your business who has never run a successful business?


How valuable is advice on parenting coming from a person who never raised children?

It's not, and neither is business consulting.


There's also a lot of "Life" and "Business Coaches" out there. Life and Business Coaches promise that all you have to do is believe in yourself and you will become successful and rich. We could tell you that (it might even make us money!).

But we won't, because that's not how business (or life) success works. Information like this, we believe, is unethical.


Business success is a combination of hard work, dedication, skills, great ideas, and timing.


But you already know this, because you're here.


You don't need buzzwords. You don't need "Coaching".  You need practical, straightfortward advice on how to move your business forward. Advice from everyday people who have done what you are trying or wanting to do, and who've been successful at it.


That's why outGRIT is different.


At outGRIT Consulting Group, we have that expertise. We have the education, skills, experience and most importantly, the proven track record of business success. We can talk the talk, but everyday we're out there, walking the walk. Running successful, profitable businesses.


We've helped many get the answers they are seeking, to move past a certain point in their business development, to bounce ideas off of, or just sometimes to support you through a period of change.


Are you ready to see what you and your business is capable of?


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