What We Cost


Business Consultants are notoriously expensive. We at outGRIT realize that most small business owners cannot afford these kinds of costs, but we also believe that good quality business advice shouldn't be so expensive that only massive companies can afford it. Also, we're big believers in not producing big reports that sit on shelves getting dusty. These reports are terribly expensive and usually contain a whole bunch of information that you either don't need or already know.


Everything starts with a free initial consultation, We'll give you 30 minutes of our time at a location convenient for you to take a look at the problems you're facing or the ideas you have. From there, depending on your specific situation, we will provide a quote. This can either be billed hourly, on a contract basis, or even on a cost recovery basis where if you make money on an idea/strategy we provide, so do we. Our rates are designed to be affordable and our advice will be pragmatic and to-the-point.



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